POV - New Muslim Cool

Originally Posted On
Monday, June 22,2009

"New Muslim Cool came out of my long-standing interest in the power of pop music and culture to create social change, and a deep feeling that we urgently need to look for common ground as our world grows increasingly diverse and interconnected.”

Jennifer Maytorena Taylor, Filmmaker

New Muslim Cool is documentary about Hamza Abdul Mumit Perez, emcee from group M Team (Mujahideen Team) and Wazir** of Jamaat of Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio in the US. The documentary is scheduled to aired on this week's (June 23) episode of P.O.V. on PBS. In some areas POV's episodes are aired a week or two later than scheduled so check you local PBS station listings.

The film follows Hamza's life in Pennsylvania in where the Jamaat’s masjid (mosque) was raided by the FBI in 2006. (read the story HERE)

"The masjid that is being raided in the trailer is Masjid Nur Uz Zamman named after shaykh uthman Dan fodio the head quarters of the Jammat of Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodio For the whole united states
Hamza Perez

I've been looking forward to seeing this documentary for awhile and now I get a chance to see for myself what everybody has been raving about.

Note: Those within the LA/OC/IE area can see the film on THURSDAY at 8:30 PM on KCET channel 28.



** Wazir comes from the Arabic verb Wazara. Which means to take on a responsibility or to carry a heavy load. It is usually translated as Minister.

The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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