F airly good mix of Rick James tunes and artists he produced by LA's DJ Destroyer for DJ Patrick's Devil's Pie . Listening t...
H ere's another solid mix of little known 80's and 90's Hip Hop from UK's Bobby Corridor. Other than Jorun Bombay I can not...
T om Showtime displays some great ears in these mixes full of superb remixes. Most of the tunes are funky but on midtempo side but all in a...
O ver the past 15 years the US Hip Hop music industry has gone from bad to worse. With the rise of corporate interests taking hold in 1997 ...
B oston's DJ Frank White transitions between great remixes of R&B tunes. With a few classics along with a many newer songs this one...
T he RRS Feed's DJ Shred One is back with a new mix filled with some new school Funk and downtempo joints for the site Beat The Break ....
I 've been waiting for this since last year! One of my favorite deejays has finally released the long awaited Volume 4 promo mix for ...
A nother fabulous mix of Funk and Hip Hop from Australia's DJ Isit. Returning to good health after seven days of being bed ridden I n...
S hout out to Brandan E at Recognize the Real for posting this gem of a mix. Although I often heard the name Doggtime over the years unt...
A pologies once again! On March 4th I fell ill and had been offline ever since. I am slowly returning to good health and will have new post...
A re you ready for some more dope Hip Hop from the past? Jorun Bombay has finally released a 2015 edition his podcast Funkbox Reload. Enjoy...
M ade as promo for Art Exhibit Return of the Mecca: The Art of Islam And Hip-Hop DJ Kaleem spins a collection of Five percenter and Islam ...
U kraine's DJ PlusOne delivers nice smooth ride of downtempo instrumental Hip Hop in new mix made for the site The Mixtape Unites . ...
Blog Archive
- DJ Destroyer - Devil's Pie Rick James & Friends Tr...
- Bobby Corridor - You're Welcome
- Tom Showtime - Original Recipes Vol 1 and 2
- R.A.P.E. - Rap Against Phony Entertainers
- DJ Frank White - Soul Glo
- DJ Shred One - Beat the Break 13
- Dj Somar - The Mixtape Unites Vol. 4
- DJ Isit - It's My Thing
- Doggtime - Doggday #26
- Apologies once again!
- Jorun Bombay & Flexxman - Funkbox Reload - March 2...
- Kaleem DooDirty Jankins - Return Of The Mecca
- PlusOne - The Mixtape Unites Volume 3