Sirah One and DJ Hoppa - Clean Windows Dirty Floors

Originally Posted on
Monday, January 4, 2010

This is sort of repost. I posted a song from the album a long while ago but now I'm posting the entire album. Instead of rewriting about Sirah I'll just repost what I wrote before in May of 2008.

This came out last year and this is one group that is destined to blow up. For a couple years many have asked when is there gonna female Eminem (a white female who can spit) , which is inevitable considering underground hip hop is strongly supported by suburban white youth. Well I think peeps may find what there looking for in Sirah. Not that she's Eminem clone-package industry act but she can spit rhymes and has underground Hip Hop background.

I first heard of her while she was on "The Last Of the Dying Millionaires" tour last year. One of the stops was at a local Hip Hop spot called "Building Blocks". I wasn't able to go to show but I but I was intrigued by this female MC on this nearly all male line up. One of the best things about her is she doesn't (unlike MOST female MC's) try to sound hard by trying to make her voice sound like a man, though like Medusa she does have a deep voice. Like those before her, --Monie Love,Queen Latifah, Roxanne Shante -- she can speak her rhymes without sounding like man and still come off hard and real. If you love some good underground Hip Hop give Sirah a listen you won't be disappointed.

Sirah One and DJ Hoppa
Clean Windows Dirty Floors(2009) |21 MB|

Class 103
Stop With the Advice
Clean Windows Dirty Floors


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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