Dessa - Matches To Paper Dolls 2

A new year brings us a brand new tune,sort of, by one of my favorite emcees Dessa.

Those of you who heard True School Beatdown series,especially volumes One & Two should be know familiar with Dessa's work. If you haven't experienced Dessa's great tunes released through the years do yourself a favor and grab this new Live version of 2010's Matches To Paper Dolls that was on Dessa's A Badly Broken Code.

Note: There is no minimum to purchase this single thus those of you on a tight budget you can download for free if you inclined to do so.

A Match For Paper Dolls 2
(2013) | 7 MB|

Dessa - Matches To Paper Dolls 2

Purchase/Download/Listen Here


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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