Eksbe - The Real Sounds Of Chicago

Not the most exciting of mixes but those who dig for their music will appreciate all great music contained in this 30 minute mix of little known Chicago Disco/Funk/R&B artists.

I was given a couple of CD's with underground Disco and Soul which focused on not so "known" artists from Chicago. I found these CD's to be very interesting, so I decided to make a short mix with a few of the tracks. (Minus the last 3 songs, which I just added out of randomness).

If you have a chance, I strongly suggest picking up the following CD's:

The Real Sound of Chicago   Windy City Soul-Smooth Soul 70's Soul from Chicago


The Real Sounds Of Chicago:
Windy City Underground
(2012) |71 MB|

Eksbe - The Real Sounds Of Chicago

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