REPOST - Pipomixes - SouthernPlayalisticTurntableBlendingMuzik

I have a lot respect for DJ Platurn but I was a bit let down by his recently released tribute mix to Outkast Here. The pace of the mix was a bit slow, though I love the concept of dropping the original samples to bring a different flavor to the tribute.

Noticeably different, and in my opinion, more enjoyable is the tribute mix to Outkast fellow blogger and DJ Pipomixes made five years ago in 2009. Rather than post DJ Platurn's mix and since Pipo doesn't have it posted on his any of the mix sites I'm reposting it today. Enjoy!

(2009) | 60 MB|

Pipomixes - SouthernPlayalisticTurntableBlendingMuzik (2009)

Return of the G
Get up, Get out
Southernplayalistic (Diamond D Remix)
So fresh, So clean
Crumblin Herb
Player's Ball Reprise
Player's Ball
13th Floor
West Savannah
2 Dope Boyz
Jazzy Belle
Hootie Hoo
Spaghetti Junction
Call of the Wild
Ms. Jackson
Da Art of Story tellin pt. 2
Da Art of Story tellin pt. 1
Royal Flush
A Day in the Life of Benjamin Andre

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