The Rob One Mixes

Last month for three year anniversary of his site Jibs from This Is For The Hustlers did all mixtape lovers, and Rob One fans, a favor by posting all available Rob One's mixes online.

As a side note, in near future, we may have Summah Vol 2 hitting the net but until then be sure to grab all these classic mixes from DJ Rob One.

The Rob One Mixes

DJ Rob One

R.I.P Dj Rob One DJ Eq, DJ Q - Bert & DJ Rob One - Mastermixes
Rhettmatic And Rob One - The Arena
DJ Rob One - Best Of Da Beat Box Vol. 1
DJ Rob One - Gavin Mixtape 1995
DJ Rob One - Hip Hop 101 The Foundation Lesson One Volume Two
DJ Rob One - Hip Hop Can't Be Stopped
DJ Rob One - Instrumentals
DJ Rob One - Jiggy Reggae Vol.1
DJ Rob One - Jiggy Reggae Vol.2
DJ Rob One Meets Keisha
DJ Rob One - Megamix Klassicks
DJ Rob One - Meggatrendsetters
DJ Rob One - On The Drum 90.1FM KZSU
DJ Rob One - On To The Newborn
DJ Rob One - Presents The Shape Shifters - The 12 Inch Bootlegs
DJ Rob One - SK8 Jam
DJ Rob One - Summah 94
DJ Rob One - The Best Bootleg Of Sugar Hill Vol. 1
Dj Rob One - The Fly I.D. Show In The Mix V3
DJ Rob One - The Fly Id Show 12.11.1997 Featuring Guru
DJ Rob One - The Madd Idiot Mix
DJ Rob One - West Koast Indies
DJ Rob One And Phylo - Bboy Breaks Vol.1

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The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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Jibs said...

Hey just wanted to thank you for the shout out and let you know that thanks to a generous reader I was able to add another mix to the post.

The Dynamic Hamza 21® said...

No problem, Thanks for posting all the mixes. I know there were many who missed them back in the day.

Hopefully, Lysette One will upload Summah Vol 2 soon. People have waiting years for that mix to hit the net.