Library Blends - The Second Edition

Where do begin with a description of this mix?

Well after completing the first edition of Library Blends I wanted to continue working with all fabulous drum breaks within Paul Nice's Drum Library compilation series but was a bit stymied with what artists or groups to work with next. Then one day, out of nowhere, I had the idea of what would it sound like if Outkast tunes were blended with retro 1960's era sounds of Amy Winehouse. Hence the beginning of this mix

In my estimation the combination came together beautifully. Hopefully you will agree..

The Dynamic Hamza 21®
Library Blends: The Second Edition
Outkast Vs Paul Nice
Meets the Sounds Of Amy Winehouse
(2015) |72 MB|

Outkast Vs Paul Nice Meets the Sounds Of Amy Winehouse

Outkast Vs Paul Nice Meets the Sounds Of Amy Winehouse

In Due Time (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Jazzy Belle Remix ft. Babyface (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Mrs. Jackson (Amy Winehouse Blend)
ATLiens (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Rosa Parks (Amy Winehouse Blend)
The Art Of Storytelling ft. Slick Rick (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Skew It On The Barbee ft Raekwon (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Roses (Amy Winehouse Blend)
Wheelz Of Steel (Amy Winehouse Blend)
The Whole World ft. Killer Mike (Amy Winehouse Blend)

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The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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