Pipomixes - CoversTributes and Reinterpretations

Originally Posted On
Thursday, April 22, 2010

What can be said? We lost a great figure within Hip Hop. For past few months many of us had hoped it wouldn't end this way bu sadly it did. I'm not going to go into the whole he-who's-name-doesn't-deserved -to-be-mentioned controversy nor inundate you with Gangstarr music. I'll just say thanks for great memories and great music.....

May You Rest in Peace Keith Elam

Since Guru was known for delving into Jazz and blended it with Hip Hop. This jazzy soulful instrumental mix by Pipomixes is just the right vibe to get us through the sad time.

Since I'm always looking for a new theme to base a mix around, I thought it would be a good idea to mix together my favorite cover songs, tributes, and reinterpretations of hip hop classics that have proliferated over the last few years.

Covers, Tributes, & Reinterpretations
(2010) | 56 MB|

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The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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