Haroon Al Qahtani - The Funk and Soul of Turkey

I've been sleeping on this for over month.

I'm sure many are not aware of Turkish connection to Soul and Funk but let me drop two names upon you.....Ahmet Ertegun and Arif Madin. No doubt The Turks know good music.

Most of the tunes within this compilation are jazzy funk with some of them being within the psychedelic rock/funk realm. Other songs are more soulful and there's even one Turkish punk tune. Trust me you gotta hear the Turkish version of The Temptations "Smiling Faces Sometimes" ("Ac Kapiyi Gir Iceri")

Beatdiggers these are 320kbps mp3 grab them while you can.

Baris Manco

The Devil's Anvil

"I just put together this unmixed, 70+ minute compilation of Turkish funk, psych, and soul. All ripped from vinyl by yours truly"
Haroon Al Qahtani

Haroon Al-Qahtani Presents
The Funk & Soul of Turkey (2010) |159 MB|

Gonul Dagi - Baris Manco
Ac Kapiyi Gir Iceri - Ozdemir Erdogan
Edip Akbayram Dostler - Kiymayin Efendiler
Iste Hendek Iste Deve - Baris Manco
WA Mozart'in Yardimlari Ile - Kucuk Bir Gece Muzigi
Yorgun Adam - 36 Paralel
Hide if you Want to Hide - The Cedars (Lebanese)
Kopruden Gecti Gelin - Ferdi Ozbegen Orkestrasi
Askin Olmadigi Yerde - Fikret Kizilok
Zuleyha - Erol Buyukburc
Gurbet - Ozdemir Erdogan
Gercek Seven Kiskanir - Hakki Bulut
Macir Mahallesi - Sakir Oner
Aska Donyorum - Erkin Koray
Karanlik Yollar - Apaslar
Kimler Geldi Kimler Gecti - Ajda Pekkan
Benim Olursan - Senay
Dam Ustune Cul Serer - Beyaz Kellebekler
Misirlou - The Devil's Anvil (American-Arabic-Turkish Fusion)
Hilal - Durel Gence

Haroon Al Qahtani


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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