Sine Two - Tea Breaks

I'm reposting this mix since I know I have alot new visitors to the site many of you might have missed this fantastic mix. Through the past 3 years I've posted over 600 mixes and this one is one of my favorites.


Originally Posted On
Monday, November 30, 2009

One of the best mixes I've heard all year. This is indeed within the top 10 best mixes on my blog. If you don't like this mix you're not a mixtape fan. Sorry no tracklisting but it contains mostly funky B Boy breaks, some Hip Hop joints from the 90's and even a song or two by Rage Against the Machine.

Add this to your collection!!!

Sine Two
Tea Breaks (2009) |118 MB|

Sine Two


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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1 comment:

SineTwo said...

SineTwo here, thanks for the shout out! I'm gonna have to do tea breaks 2 very very soon!