DJ Zimmie - You Gots To Grill Vol 1 -2-3

Pittsburgh's DJ Zimmie just released the third volume to his "You Gots To Grill" series last week. I'm not sure why I haven't listened to previous volumes before,with so many mixes to listen to each week I may have forgot to check them out earlier. Anyhow I listened to the entire series and that were pretty good with a little surprises here and here. Volume 2 was very surprising with foray into southern artists like UGK & Outkast and slow tempoed tunes by Jay Z and even Sublime.

DJ Zimmie
You Gots To Grill Vol 1
(2009) | 125 MB|

DJ Zimmie
You Gots To Grill Vol 2
(2010) |121 MB|

DJ Zimmie
You Gots To Grill Vol 3:
(2011) | 147 MB|

DJ Zimmie


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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