DJ Q Bert - Breaktionary

It seems the legendary scratchmaster himself Grandmaster DJ Q Bert has followed his fellow deejays and started posting mixes online.

Released as a 2 CD mix in 2006 DJ Q Bert "mixes" of all of the breaks within the Breaktionary series. Although Q's mixing (slamming) isn't that worthwhile this is a 320 kbps file so all beatdiggers who want grab some funky grooves and drums now you can for free thanks to Q himself.

"The music used by DJ Qbert for Breakdance battles. No more carrying tons of crates to a jam, just grab this cd and get loose just like "Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze Muzik"! Rock the true school hip-hop on the tables and sample the rawest beats onto your drum machines and music programs!"
DJ Q Bert

DJ Q Bert
Breaktionary Mix
(2006) | 179 MB|

DJ Q Bert


The Dynamic Hamza 21®

Hip Hop since 1982.

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