DJ Bert Deezy - Hooked On You

The Bay Area's DJ Bert Deezy rocks a Freestyle mix that may not be "professional" but definitely is authentic.These are the mixes  I used to hear back in day when I used to spin Freestyle in mid to late 80's.

When it comes Freestyle unless you were spinning the music back you can't really spin it properly. I heard many other freestyle mixes by younger deejays (under 30 years of old) and they can't seem to get it right. The biggest problem is wrong tracklist. After 1989 Freestyle was pretty much over so any song released after that wasn't played by true freestyle deejays.

Like I stated before this mix is authentic. If you got a mixtape from a Freestyle deejay back in the mid 80's this what you got. No effects, no continuous drops, not much scratching just pure mixing the tunes you love.

DJ Bert Deezy
Hooked On You (2007) |103 MB|

Hooked On You - Sweet Sensation
Show Me - Covergirls
Bye Bye - Janice
Summertime - Nocera
One Way Love - TKA
Spring Love - Stevie B
Silent Morning - Noel
Dancin On The Fire - India
Bad Of The Heart - George Lamond
Point Of No Return - Expose
Take It While Its Hot - Sweet Sensation
Change On Me - Cynthia
Summergirls - Dino
Because Of You - Covergirls
I'm Over You Break - Sequel
Boy I've Been Told - Sa Fire
Let's Go - Nocera
Catch Me I'm Falling - Pretty Poison
It Works For Me - Pam Russo
Don't Break My Heart - Sa Fire
I Won't Stop Loving You - C-Bank
All Night - Trinere
Can You Feel The Beat - Lisa Lisa
Play Another Song Break - Olga
Party Your Body - Stevie B
Surrender Your Love - Frances
Victim Of Love - Sweet Sensation

DJ Bert Deezy


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