DJ Easwood - The Invisible Man

This is one of those rare finds by a little known DJ that made quite an exceptionally mixtape. Although made in 1996 it has late 80's feel especially with that reverb that Philly's DJ Easwood added to the mix. No tracklist but you'll hear a great deal of scratching and blends.

Note: My download is different from the one DJ Easwood uploaded to the net. The original file had some amount of tape hiss that I eliminated a fair amount of using Audacity. Moreover I increased the volume a bit so my download has a slightly better audio quality than the original file uploaded by DJ Easwood.

"Old school hip-hop 80s & 90s ,all scratch/Turntablism.i had to dig up this classic mixtape I did on cassette back in 1996 for you scratching fans Enjoy !"
DJ Easwood

DJ Easwood
The Invisible Man
(1996) |40 MB|



The Dynamic Hamza 21®

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